* I was given an ARC of this book by NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.*
I've always said that for me, reading a Danielle Steel novel is like coming home. Lost and Found was no different. I've been reading them probably since I was in the sixth grade, so these are the books I turn to when I just need a bit of comfort food. You're not going to find a book here that will change your life, but it's an easy feel good read, and sometimes I just need a little bit of Happily Ever After. As of today, this book was published over a week ago, and I fully expect our library to get about 5 copies and they'll all circulate as soon as they hit the shelf.
So, our main character, Maddie (in her 50s--- not usual for a DS heroine!) lives in a firehouse. She falls and injures herself and spends her time reading old love letters from former boyfriends. This causes her to go on a journey to look up those exes, and see if her life would have been any different if she had stayed with them.
This book for me was a bit different than her usual ones. Nothing bad really happened. She broke her ankle, but it wasn't life threatening. She had an argument with her daughter, but they got over it. Her ex dies, but even that wasn't as heartbreaking as one of her novels usually is. There wasn't even a breakup between the main couple, which is almost a staple in a DS novel. It's like she all of a sudden changed the formula. But fans of hers are still going to read it. It wasn't a terrible read. Reading this was the equivalent of eating cotton candy made from Splenda while petting kittens in unicorn hats.

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