Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Dear Girls by Ali Wong

Cover Image from NetGalley

*I received an eARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my review. All opinions are my own*.

This book was published in October 2019, so I am still catching up with reviews, but am getting closer!

I am a fan of Ali Wong's stand up, and have seen both of her Netflix specials. Haven't seen her movie yet, but I'm working on it. With that being said, it made me enjoy this book because I knew what type of humor to expect. Ali is a bit on the vulgar side, has no issues talking intimate details about her sex life, giving birth, etc. If that's not your cup of tea, you're gonna have a hard time reading this book. 

I think she did a good job mixing motherly advice with her normal comedy. I grew up in a fairly prudish household. I'm almost 30 and my mom and I have never had the sex talk-- my best friend's mom gave it to us! I would like to be a healthy mix of both ends of the spectrum with my own daughter. I want her to know that she can ask me whatever embarrassing thing pops into her head, but shouldn't expect me to give her all the dirty details of my own life. There's just some things she doesn't need to know! 

With that being said, this was a quick read, because it entertained me so much that I couldn't put it down. If you're a fan of Wong's (or raunchy female comedy in general) feel free to check this one out! 

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